How to join this award:

1. Copy and Past the logo on your main page

2. Thank the blog who listed you

3. Choose and list 15 blogs to be awarded and show their links on your mainpage

4. Write 7 things about you

Le regole per aderire a questo award sono:

1. Riportare il logo qui sopra sulla vostra pagina.
2. Ringraziare il blog che vi ha nominato.
3.Scegliere 15 blog che volete nominare e pubblicarne l’indirizzo.
4. Scrivere 7 cose su di voi.

The  blogs I’ve choosen as my VERSATILE BLOG AWARD Winners here below listed:

1. Galateaversilia (

2. Doodlemum (

3. Spilled Milk (

4. The Daily Post (

5. Jonathan Fleming (

6. The Open Suitcase (

7. Viaggi Low Cost (

8. Tales of a Creative Soul (

9. Road Tripping Europe (

10. Books J’adore (

11. What an Amazing World! (

12. Crafts Schmaft (

13. The Doodle House (

14. Design of the Picture Book (

15. Illustrated Bites (

7 Things about me: I like travels, art, crafts, books, illustration for children, sewing, playing violin.

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